Startup Budapest

Vestbee: VC investments in CEE exceeded €5.9B in 2022

Vestbee published the 'VC Transactions In CEE Report - 2022', revealing that VC investments in the CEE region exceeded €5.9B in total funding across more than 1100 transactions.  Ewa Chronowska, CEO of Vestbee and General Partner at Next Road Ventures, underlines the incredible progress in VC…

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Stúdió a zsebedben: 250 millió forintos befektetést kap a mobilos videógyártást forradalmasító magyar startup

Manapság már szinte bárkiből lehet hobbivideós, de sokak számára egyben hivatást és megélhetést is jelent az audiovizuális tartalmak készítése. A verseny óriási az online térben, és nem csupán a mennyiség, de a minőség is sokat számít a telített piacon. A magyar RECnGO mobilalkalmazása éppen erre a…

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Codecool Receives EUR 7 million Investment and Continues European Expansion

Codecool, one of the top programming schools and IT Talent Hubs in Central Europe has closed an investment round of EUR  7 million. The company, which offers a revolutionary model for training IT specialists, through its 3 to 12-month courses, plans further expansion and product development,…

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Budapest-based AerinX promises to cut the rate of aircraft disasters with AR solution

High-tech system makes external surface checks on aircrafts faster, simpler and more precise

Hungarian firm AerinX is developing an augmented reality (AR) solution for the external inspection and maintenance of aircraft and other aerial vehicles. The company has already started a partnership with one of the largest Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul companies of Central and Eastern Europe to…

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Codecool coding school raises €3.5 million funding to ease shortage of digital workforce in Europe

The number of job vacancies requiring digitally skilled workers is estimated to rise to 700 thousand by 2020 on an EU level. To tackle this challenge, Budapest-based IT education startup Codecool launched a disruptive model for training coding and other digital skills three years ago. The recipe…

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